| Nick | Number of lines | When? | Number of Words | Words per line | Last seen | Random quote |
Userpic |
1 |
Frostbite | 259938 | | 1281000 | 4.9 | 1523 days ago | "linode restarted my fkn machine" |
2 |
SpanglishJC | 244256 | | 941434 | 3.9 | 872 days ago | "I believe you had been warned previously" |
3 |
ShadeDream | 217476 | | 1689656 | 7.8 | 926 days ago | "Most recent one combines mechanical keyboards and old Macs..." |
4 |
Nubmer6 | 166090 | | 725049 | 4.4 | 1237 days ago | "Hmm... I could have made meatloaf too" |
5 |
lbatalha | 128671 | | 502846 | 3.9 | 994 days ago | "I basically only talk there" |
6 |
cruz- | 122668 | | 504429 | 4.1 | 2747 days ago | "<lbatalha> and THATS the problem with american cars" |
7 |
betholas | 116046 | | 543617 | 4.7 | 900 days ago | "it's literally in the topic" |
8 |
ss23 | 113157 | | 632129 | 5.6 | 354 days ago | "Well, at least it's over for you personally (probaably)" |
9 |
Rfsancho | 110378 | | 514644 | 4.7 | 2337 days ago | "RoninNakamura, english your second language?" |
10 |
sarangjieun | 102557 | | 371507 | 3.6 | 2167 days ago | "Oh yay. I'm getting humped" |
11 |
XMrNiceguyX | 100960 | | 535371 | 5.3 | 1542 days ago | "Never did get that nickname register email" |
12 |
sothis | 91244 | | 728937 | 8.0 | 1668 days ago | "I have an old eeepc that could take that" |
13 |
KaiyoKaze | 84571 | | 359269 | 4.2 | 2438 days ago | "Well, I was really glad to meet you all" |
14 |
desubot | 78699 | | 536504 | 6.8 | 1637 days ago | "desudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesu" |
15 |
chiii | 76703 | | 344962 | 4.5 | 2070 days ago | "only 50 coins from gyms now is CRAPPPPPPPP" |
16 |
Service | 76118 | | 445329 | 5.9 | 1963 days ago | "didnt even get to the bombing of subs" |
17 |
manga_or_manha | 71904 | | 298480 | 4.2 | 1564 days ago | "you can get orchids that have been artificially colored" |
18 |
theholyduck | 66027 | | 430885 | 6.5 | 1975 days ago | "like. theres so much ghosting" |
19 |
Madiz | 65144 | | 364229 | 5.6 | 1854 days ago | "I hate dragon's balls and I hate vegta and guko" |
20 |
Kiruti | 54866 | | 297947 | 5.4 | 1279 days ago | "You can see what I like and what I don't from the ratings" |
21 |
vermi | 54800 | | 301006 | 5.5 | 2295 days ago | "Probably see you again in another 6 months or so" |
22 |
Ipsilon | 54087 | | 359215 | 6.6 | 1256 days ago | "we just moved office, and 20 min became 30 min walk" |
23 |
Ketsuron | 52519 | | 313704 | 6.0 | 11 days ago | "corona pandemic brings new opportunities: on selling platform,..." |
24 |
hotsauce2000 | 51250 | | 372843 | 7.3 | 2241 days ago | "For the first time in history, it's gonna start raining men" |
25 |
Gottaname | 47724 | | 208974 | 4.4 | 2623 days ago | "http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=haruhism" |
Is WolfGirl12 stupid or just asking too many questions? 35.6% lines contained a question!
hurttrain didn't know that much either. 25.4% of his/her lines were questions.
The loudest one was Rathoriel, who yelled 40.9% of the time!
Another old yeller was ChocoFanGirl, who shouted 31.2% of the time!
It seems that JustRandomFangirl's shift-key is hanging: 18.0% of the time he/she wrote UPPERCASE. For example, like this: <JustRandomFangirl> WAIT
degenerate-pinecone just forgot to deactivate his/her Caps-Lock. He/She wrote UPPERCASE 17.5% of the time.
Nubmer6 is a very aggressive person. He/She attacked others 246 times. For example, like this: * Nubmer6 smacks ketsuron for bot abuse
manga_or_manha can't control his/her aggressions, either. He/She picked on others 195 times.
Poor ss23, nobody likes him/her. He/She was attacked 170 times. For example, like this: * mango_or_manha slaps ss23
Nubmer6 seems to be unliked too. He/She got beaten 147 times.
r0manas brings happiness to the world. 47.5% lines contained smiling faces. :)
donFreeStyle isn't a sad person either, smiling 41.8% of the time.
MtauseeqM seems to be sad at the moment: 9.8% lines contained sad faces. :(
Noutathewolf is also a sad person, crying 9.6% of the time.
Drahken wrote the longest lines, averaging 78.2 letters per line.
#anime-planet.com average was 29.0 letters per line. |
roseX3 wrote the shortest lines, averaging 7.6 characters per line.
henkiekees was tight-lipped, too, averaging 10.6 characters. |
ShadeDream spoke a total of 1689656 words!
ShadeDream's faithful follower, Frostbite, didn't speak so much: 1281000 words.
mib_s5s9rm wrote an average of 146.00 words per line.
Channel average was 5.48 words per line.
ss23 wasn't very popular, getting kicked 145 times! For example, like this: *** ss23 was kicked by Nubmer6
Nubmer6 seemed to be hated too: 103 kicks were received.
SpanglishJC is either insane or just a fair op, kicking a total of 1116 people!
SpanglishJC's faithful follower, Nubmer6, kicked about 942 people.
ChanServ donated 16424 ops in the channel...
Nubmer6 was also very polite: 25 ops from him/her.
vermi is the channel sheriff with 30 deops.
Frostbite deoped 22 users.
Frostbite always lets us know what he/she's doing: 20089 actions! For example, like this: * Frosty-nee scrubs face
Also, Nubmer6 tells us what's up with 15651 actions.
lbatalha talks to him/herself a lot. He/She wrote over 5 lines in a row 2740 times!
Another lonely one was cruz-, who managed to hit 2264 times.
Drahken couldn't decide whether to stay or go. 6240 joins during this reporting period! |
mib_jwzf6d has quite a potty mouth. 30.8% words were foul language.
swaggityswag also makes sailors blush, 22.1% of the time.
Visit the Official Anime-Planet Discord chat at https://discord.gg/XybDbD9. Please read the rules to ensure an enjoyable chat: http://bit.ly/1L1tnfV There is zero tolerance for spoiling, you will be banned. This is a NO PANTS zone! |
1313 days ago at 02:02 by betholas |
Welcome to the official anime-planet.com channel! Please read the rules to ensure an enjoyable chat: http://bit.ly/1L1tnfV There is zero tolerance for spoiling, you will be banned. This is a NO PANTS zone! |
1710 days ago at 04:27 by AutoBot |
Welcome to the official anime-planet.com channel! Please read the rules to ensure an enjoyable chat: http://bit.ly/1L1tnfV There is zero tolerance for spoiling, you will be banned. This is a NO PAINT zone! |
1710 days ago at 04:27 by AutoBot |
The topic was set 176 times. |
Total number of lines: 7985111.