Found 194 quotes

#437 from #bakabt, submitted on 10 Dec 2010 by vermi
<Grospoliner> Used sextoys?
<Mikawo> im sure theyve been properly sterilized
<Grospoliner> in the tears of strippers
#439 from #bakabt-support, submitted on 10 Dec 2010 by ChalamiuS
< Xemnarth> Question: why cann't a user delete his/her own comment on torrents?
<@xiong_chiamiov> just to frustrate you
#441 from #bakabt, submitted on 10 Dec 2010 by vermi
<Vanscot> Translation for 99% of the text on 99.9% of the eroge stuff: harder, onii-chan!
<Vanscot> The other 1% is "I came!"
#468 from #bakabt, submitted on 19 Dec 2010 by Frostbite
<RueK> does handbrake comes in an installer?
<theholyduck> RAEEEG
<theholyduck> cant you navigate the damn website by yourself?
<theholyduck> if you click on fucking download
<theholyduck> and fucking the os you want
<theholyduck> the windows and osx versions includei nstallers
<theholyduck> theres even fucking links
<theholyduck> how stupid can you be!!!!!!!
* Quits: theholyduck ( (Quit: Leaving)
<KoshNaranek> now.. that's a nice ragequit
#469 from #bakabt-support, submitted on 19 Dec 2010 by Enzedder
<Enzie> I wonder if they will question me if I add, 'Staff of an illegal bittorrenting site', on my resume while I am here. :P
<Arc-sama> uh ... dunno
<Enzie> Probably shouldn't.
<Duki> We're not illegal :x
<Duki> We're just shady
#482 from #bakabt-support, submitted on 25 Dec 2010 by Southrop
<LoN> guys, how long is the freeleech period going to last?
<Duki> A few more minutes
<LoN> how many?
<newy> It started today and ends yesterday
<LoN> damn
<LoN> thanks
<LoN> off to leech
#495 from #bakabt, submitted on 30 Dec 2010 by SailorMewJosh
<Proletar> I'd say it to the loli, that's for sure~
<Proletar> And Nubmer6, nothing says "I love you" as well as a viciously designed and malevolent trap set only for a special person
* Proletar nodnods
<Nubmer6> ...
#504 from BakaBT, submitted on 04 Jan 2011 by Arc-sama
<Rezagrats> Don't sleep
<Rezagrats> The gnomes will kill you!
* Rezagrats twitches
<FrostySleep> I have an anti gnome barrier to protect me
<FrostySleep> and a cat
<Rezagrats> I had a cat once....
<Rezagrats> It slept on my belly whenever it had the chance
<FrostySleep> mine does too
<irrelevnt> i thought it was clowns that kill in a person's sleep
<Rezagrats> I was partially awake one night when i took a deep breath and farted
<Rezagrats> My cat was alarmed like something had just exploded.
<irrelevnt> urf.
<FrostySleep> hehe
<irrelevnt> i was curled up next to a friend of mine under the same blanket, and her cats slept between us.
<Rezagrats> It left my belly for that night. :(
<FrostySleep> I don't blame it
<FrostySleep> it'd have been startled too
<irrelevnt> i rolled over and stretched the blanket and it was like throwing the cats upwards on a trampoline ^^;
<irrelevnt> i didn't 'mean' to, i was mostly asleep when i rolled over
<Rezagrats> Irrelevnt, sleeping next to a female friend always leads to something.
<FrostySleep> not always
* irrelevnt giggles
<irrelevnt> flying pussies
<Rezagrats> ^
<FrostySleep> I once nearly killed mine because I fell asleep with her in my arms
<Rezagrats> Hamsters are the scariest pet ever.
<FrostySleep> and I have a deathgrip in my sleep
<irrelevnt> i miss her now and then. she had dread locks (42 of them, on purpose) and i'd lay on them like a pillow :D
<Rezagrats> My hamster escaped one night
<Rezagrats> And decided to crawl in my bed
<FrostySleep> oh gawd
<irrelevnt> frosty, your girlfriend or your cat?
<FrostySleep> my cat
<Rezagrats> I felt a pitter patter of four tiny feet on my leg and immediately froze.
<FrostySleep> I hope you were wearing something
<irrelevnt> i had cats that'd sleep between my legs on top of the covers, and i couldn't roll over w/out bothering them.
<irrelevnt> which is a pain, since i like to sleep on my side
<Rezagrats> It wasn't until it had reached my face- my eye really- that i realized my hamster had pulled a houdini.
<FrostySleep> heh
<irrelevnt> funny how they go to your face
<Rezagrats> Hamsters licking your eye is something unique.
<irrelevnt> like they wanna say hi or something
<Rezagrats> Irrelevnt, the ass smells too much
<Rezagrats> And your face probably is salty.
<irrelevnt> yes.. yes it does.
<irrelevnt> oh, i thought you mean the hamster arse while it's on your face
<Rezagrats> Have you ever seen a male hasmter?
<Rezagrats> Hamster*
<FrostySleep> HUNG
<irrelevnt> :)
<Rezagrats> Nuts the size of ALMONDS.
<irrelevnt> i think... no i didn't.
<irrelevnt> i usually use this hamster as my avatar, his name's sooty
<Rezagrats> On their tiny body, those fuckers are like oranges on a human.
<FrostySleep> heh
<irrelevnt> i lost the newspaper article, but this guy escaped and found his way into the female hamster cage and had 'relations' with like, 100 of the female hamsters
<irrelevnt> he was found passed out in the cage
<FrostySleep> reminds me of something I read about bats
<FrostySleep> the size of their brains are in an inverse proportion to the size of their genetalia
<Rezagrats> FrostySleep, go to sleep
<Proletar> FrostySleep is a liar
<FrostySleep> or in layspeak, it IS the stupid ones that get more girls
<FrostySleep> RAEG!
<Rezagrats> FrostySleep, go to sleep
* FrostySleep raeges off to bed
* Rezagrats ragefaps off to bed.
<irrelevnt> that's like lambs
<irrelevnt> their testicles are much larger than their brains
<irrelevnt> er, sheep
#506 from #bakabt, submitted on 06 Jan 2011 by raylu
<irrelevnt> now that i have access to a search engine for anime girls in one piece bathing suits, i have a feeling i'm useless for the next few days.
#515 from BakaBT, submitted on 11 Jan 2011 by Arc-sama
* ss23 giggles
<ss23> This recpeivt says
<ss23> "CBA Debit MCard STD"
<ss23> Cant be assed Debit Master Card Sextually Transmitted Desiese
<irrelevnt> hm... you been using your debit card without protection?
<ss23> lol XD
<Arc-sama> wth