Found 194 quotes

#130 from #bakabt, submitted on 13 Jan 2010 by ChalamiuS
<Timdog> 80 mins is too long
<TCLe> ADD much?
<Timdog> no I just get bored easily
#131 from #bakabt, submitted on 15 Jan 2010 by raylu
<XCetron> i just realized every confirmed/supposed female in this channel attacked me at one point or another
<XCetron> anime make people crazy
<raylu> you sure it's the anime and not you?
<XCetron> i have yet to be attacked in other channels
<Dokuro-chan> Why do you expect the actions of females to be logical?
<XCetron> its a social contract
<XCetron> i dont randomly punch people in the face
<XCetron> they act logically
<XCetron> although some people are not keeping up their end of the deal
#132 from #bakabt, submitted on 15 Jan 2010 by raylu
<LeB_Blood> why does everyone hate on mirc
<raylu> LeB_Blood: because stupid shit like this happens:
<Fate_Testarossa_Harlaown> okay... raylu what the hell was that for?
<Fate_Testarossa_Harlaown> boobs in mirc... just no
<Fate_Testarossa_Harlaown> I'd rather use irssi than that
<LeB_Blood> :o
* raylu is using irssi in a transparent terminal
<raylu> so i can have boobs in my irssi if i really wanted
<|Cherry-chan|> raylu: why would you put boobs in irssi?.... if you're gonna put boobs in anything, put them in pudding.... or jello.... i mean, really....
<raylu> |Cherry-chan|: boobs in food => dead woman
<|Cherry-chan|> no
<|Cherry-chan|> dip em'
<raylu> i see.
<|Cherry-chan|> it's a weird sensation.... but i like it
<|Cherry-chan|> :P
#133 from #bakabt, submitted on 17 Jan 2010 by raylu
* ArcDaRat pets Proletar
<xiong_chiamiov> why is that always happening when I come in here?
* xiong_chiamiov disapproves
<ArcDaRat> wat?
<xiong_chiamiov> petting
<xiong_chiamiov> purring
<xiong_chiamiov> all that crap
<xiong_chiamiov> I want to see more rape, dammit!
* ArcDaRat points at Proletar ... is kitty
<xiong_chiamiov> that's no excuse
<xiong_chiamiov> cats are rapeable
<ArcDaRat> you miss Duckie raping Poland about an hr ago
<Rakka-chan> ...what's going on
<Rakka-chan> Also, Poland sucks
<Rakka-chan> If I were a scientist I'd invent food that only gave diarrhea to Polish people
* Rakka-chan kills the conversation :D
#137 from #bakabt, submitted on 18 Jan 2010 by raylu
<DreamTactix291> divx4 came first
<DreamTactix291> of the ASP encoders
<Kristen|Lolisleep> Before DivX3?
<Kristen|Lolisleep> And 2?
<Kristen|Lolisleep> And 1?
<Kristen|Lolisleep> O.O
<Mirgond> uh, kristen is sleepwalking again
* Kristen|Lolisleep throws DreamTactix291 out a window
<DreamTactix291> divx3.11 is just MS MPEG-4v3 hacked to fit into avi
<DreamTactix291> there was no divx 1 or 2
<Kristen|Lolisleep> DreamTactix291, my logic is logically!
<Kristen|Lolisleep> You dare to question my logic?
<Kristen|Lolisleep> Then window becomes you!
* Kristen|Lolisleep throws DreamTactix291 out the window again
#139 from BakaBT Staff Sekrit Hideout, submitted on 24 Jan 2010 by Southrop
* ~Malus slaps xio
<~Malus> go to the corner
<~Malus> make me some money hoe
* @xiong_chiamiov goes to the corner to work on OSS
<@Southrop> OSS?
<&dubkatz> open sound system?
<@Southrop> operating system spoofer?
<~Malus> over sexed slut?
<@xiong_chiamiov> open source software, but w/e
#143 from #bakabt, submitted on 26 Jan 2010 by raylu
<ChalamiuS> Nagisa = tard
<dankles> ^
<ChalamiuS> Kotomi > Tomoyo > Kyou > Fuko
<ChalamiuS> :3
<Beefymole> wtf
<ChalamiuS> and those > Nagisa.
<Beefymole> your brain is broken
<ChalamiuS> No Beefymole, I just hated Nagisa
<raylu> fuko > nagisa? wtf?
<raylu> i'm no fan of nagisa, but fuko?
* ChalamiuS hits raylu with a starfish
<ChalamiuS> Dozo!
<ChalamiuS> :3
#175 from #bakabt, submitted on 24 Feb 2010 by raylu
<Crimson13> speaking of ugly, i saw the ugliest baby at the grocery store last weekend
<Crimson13> i know you're not supposed to tell people their baby looks like an overfed monkey, but ugh
<raylu> Crimson13: did you actually say that?
<Crimson13> :-/
<raylu> is that a yes?
<Crimson13> yes
#176 from #bakabt, submitted on 24 Feb 2010 by raylu
<Rakka-chan> Yo dawg, I heard u like spacing out so I put David Bowie in your rocket car so you can space out while you space out
<Nubmer6> ...
<Arc-sama> ok that last one didnt make any sense
<Rakka-chan> your face made no sense
<Rakka-chan> and your face doesn't even have David Bowie
* Nubmer6 straghtens Rakka-chan's head with a tire iron
<Rakka-chan> ow
<Rakka-chan> I'm lucy liu T_T
<Rakka-chan> i mean
<Rakka-chan> what the fuck
<Nubmer6> So... exactly what are you on right now?
#189 from #bakabt, submitted on 02 Mar 2010 by Anonymous
<theholyduck> but i needs more monies
<theholyduck> anyone got a good bank i can rob?
<Beefymole> people drop money when they are killed
<theholyduck> Beefymole, yeah, but not nearly enough for a pc
<theholyduck> i dont like grinding on people
<theholyduck> too much effort
<theholyduck> not enough loot