Found 50 quotes

#208 from Unknown, submitted on 27 Mar 2010 by ins3
pichapiegal: when my friend saw my shotacon folder, he asked: what's shotacon? i said, 'some anime'
pichapiegal: protip: never ever have your friends go through your HD
#212 from Unknown, submitted on 01 Apr 2010 by raylu
<ttuttle> kjones: system('eject --candy');
<ttuttle> er
<kjones> some sysop will be very confused in the morn
<ttuttle> "eject --candy")
<kjones> ttuttle: i'm glad you specified, otherwise i would have tried to pass the eject --candy argument to system with single quotes instead of double quotes
<ttuttle> kjones: rule 0
<kjones> the GM is always right?
<ttuttle> kjones: no, the other one.
<kjones> a robot shall not harm humanity, nor through inaction allow humanity to come to harm?
<ttuttle> kjones: no, the other one.
<kjones> If A and C are each in thermal equilibrium with B, then A is in thermal equilibrium with C?
-!- kjones was kicked from ##213 by ttuttle [get out of my house]
#220 from Unknown, submitted on 14 Apr 2010 by ins3
(7:43:49 PM) Albi`: ('.') L-M/Lisou ('.') says:
(7:43:49 PM) Albi`: *it's a weird feeling in my womb, like it's stretfching :/
(7:44:10 PM) ins3: LOL
(7:44:12 PM) ins3: wtf
(7:44:18 PM) Albi`: I have no idea wtf shes talking about
#226 from Unknown, submitted on 25 Apr 2010 by ins3
ChalamiuS: Or you could interpret it as ยต~ = Microwave
#256 from Unknown, submitted on 19 May 2010 by Anonymous
<Rymdkejsaren> SeismicEdit: User was panned for this toast.
<Kurpitsa> there was a similiar ban before too
<Rymdkejsaren> be careful what you toast in the blc forums, or you may get panned
#269 from Unknown, submitted on 10 Jun 2010 by Yuuka
<bakutenshi> rest tiem
<Yuuka-Kazami> sleep tiem
<noise> o/
<Yuuka-Kazami> take me with you, baku~n!
<bakutenshi> hai~
* bakutenshi snatches yuuka~chan
* Yuuka-Kazami is inclined to make a tracker joke now
<bakutenshi> hahaha
* bakutenshi seeds you afterwards O_O
#284 from Sekrit Channel, submitted on 21 Jun 2010 by Southrop
<&meltingwax> is it unusual to masturbate to vegetables
<&Blice> yes
<&Southrop> ...


<&meltingwax> is it wrong to masturbate to civil war soldiers
<&LiteralKa> not at all
<&Wik> no dude
<&SSW_Kikkoman> meltingwax: Not really.
#291 from Unknown, submitted on 03 Jul 2010 by Falgern
<Falgern> Where did Winterfag go.. uh i mean Wintereise
<LivingHumanoidInterface> no you mean Winterfag
<LivingHumanoidInterface> you had it right the first time
<LivingHumanoidInterface> it's an easy mistake to make so i'll let it slide this time
#293 from Wiki Student Channel, submitted on 03 Jul 2010 by Southrop
<@IPopNoStyle> I am going to go shower.
<@IPopNoStyle> Meyer: You have 5 minutes to join me.... or else....
<@IPopNoStyle> Or else I tell Megatomte what you did in his computer room.
<@IPopNoStyle> O_______O
<@IPopNoStyle> And I know what you're thinking 'How could he know that?' I was watching you....
<@IPopNoStyle> I have video of it!
<nemius> that he watches every night before bed
<@IPopNoStyle> Only a few times, but yes.
<@Meyer> OH SHI---
<@Meyer> i'm coooooming ipop~
<Southrop> that's what she said
#301 from Unknown, submitted on 23 Jul 2010 by Typhoeus
<~IX> I'm... a retard.
<~IX> I was remotely connected to my server and wanted to test something which needed to cut off it's internet connection. I disabled the interface and cut off the remote session. :|
<@Typhoeus> o.o
<@Typhoeus> is it ok if I laugh or will you hate me? XD
<~IX> You can laugh, I did.
<@Typhoeus> buahahahahaha XD
<@Typhoeus> k good. I just had to get that out.