#1103 (Score: 7) from #bbtgenchicha, submitted on 29 Mar 2014 by Laus-kun
<Akerail> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Faraday_cage
<saras> Oh, I know what it is.
<saras> We actually built one in the lab to get a radio free zone
<saras> :D
<saras> It's fun to go inside one and see the reception for everything just die, immediately.
<kurandoinu> You have a strange idea of fun
<Akerail> Yeah :D
<Akerail> You can do the same by wrapping a tinfoil around your phone
<Akerail> I do it when I don't want people to call me... :P
<saras> I just turn it off.
<kurandoinu> You see, there's this button
<Akerail> Ah
<Akerail> I didn't think of that