#179 (Score: 6) from Unknown, submitted on 25 Feb 2010 by ins3
picha: get him naked
Monkey: SUPER PUN FTW. o3o
picha: put in bed with a tranny
picha: but nothing would happen
ins3: I bet Cocky would like to get dateraped by a 14 year old
picha: just wait till he wakes up
picha: tada
Cocky: God yes
Cadet: xD
Cadet: lol
picha: ok Cocky is our residential faggot
picha: who enjoys lil boys
picha: which he will burn in hell for when he dies
ins3: who doesn't
picha: but we love him either ways
Cocky: <:
Cocky: Im priceless
Monkey: say hi to Jackson when u get there Cocky! :D