#406 (Score: 9) from chaos' staff channel, submitted on 26 Oct 2010 by ChalamiuS
<+kureshii> the most powerful force in the universe isn't the strong force
<+kureshii> the most ubiquitous, most powerful and most unstoppable force is the stupid force
<+kureshii> it fills every nook and cranny that isn't alreayd filled by energy or matter (energy packets)
<+kureshii> which pretty much means the human body is made up of 99.999999999999999% stupid
<+kureshii> how we managed to accomplish what little we did as a race, is beyond me
<+kureshii> but it sure explains how we ended up in such a fucked up state
<+kureshii> this means we need a bible rewrite though
<+kureshii> in the beginning, there wasn't nothing
<+kureshii> there was only stupid