#752 (Score: 5) from #ahk, submitted on 01 Nov 2011 by ChalamiuS
* Elesar thinks its too quiet in here
<frankie`n> yeah... it is...
* Skwire starts banging on a drum. BAM!! BAM!! BAM!!
<Elesar> thats better
* Talisman starts a bar brawl
* Skwire bangs some trash can lids together.
* frankie`n brawls a bar
* Talisman throws a pool cue at Elesar
* Elesar dodges the pool cue
* Skwire picks up the pool cue and stabs BigVent with it.
<+Talisman> wooo... like a dark it's sticking out the bar counter
* Elesar downs half a bottle of vodka and throws the other half at Talisman
* Talisman catches it and downs the other half
* frankie`n lights a match
* Talisman dodges frankie`n
* frankie`n uses Taliban seaking missle
* Skwire looks around at what he started.
* frankie`n looks at Skwire
<+Skwire> Let's see, two drunkards, BigVent stabbed, bar brawl...