Found 70 quotes

#334 from #uguu~subs, submitted on 26 Aug 2010 by Southrop
<&delamoo> torque: Obviously yeah. We just need to divide it up... I'll make a spreadsheet for you all tomorrow
<&delamoo> detailing who is doing which episodes
<%gesshoki> yay organization
<torque> hokay, sounds good
<Yuuka-Kazami> i call ep 1!
<%gesshoki> I call yuuka
* Yuuka-Kazami blushes
* Yuuka-Kazami fidgets
<Yuuka-Kazami> b-baka.
#337 from AQS Staff Channel, submitted on 29 Aug 2010 by Southrop
<jdennis00> i bought a new stick of memory for my pc, thus doubling what it had
<&cman> to 24MB ?
<jdennis00> ouch!
<jdennis00> no up to a gig now
<@tricsterpriest> whoo you're bazzling now
<@tricsterpriest> only 3 gigs to catch up to what the rest of us have lol
#348 from #uguu~subs, submitted on 04 Sep 2010 by Southrop
<FullOnRapist> i'm super tired, and it's 3:33
* FullOnRapist (Rapist@not.a.philanthropist) Quit (Quit: good day, sirs)
<Blaze-Senpai> weak
<torque> real men never sleep ever
<torque> that said, I'm off to bed o/
#353 from #bakabt, submitted on 06 Sep 2010 by Southrop
<ss23> I use Firefox and IE depending on what I need done. For example if I need malware, I use IE.
#355 from #uguu~subs, submitted on 08 Sep 2010 by Southrop
<Yuuka-Kazami> class of 2012 is so fucking lucky with everything :(
<+atlantiza> I want to just get early admissions over with =ω=
<Yuuka-Kazami> they're also the first class not to be required to take latin first year at my school
<Yuuka-Kazami> we're also the first class to be required to wear our school's ties; '10 didn't need to because the ties just came out
<Yuuka-Kazami> whyyyy ;_;
<+atlantiza> :V
<+atlantiza> uniforms?
<Yuuka-Kazami> yeah.
<+atlantiza> y-yuuka in a plaid skirt? :DDD
<+atlantiza> lol
<Yuuka-Kazami> D: D: D:
<Yuuka-Kazami> は、はずかしい~
<+atlantiza> パンツが見える‹
<+atlantiza> ピンクだ!
<Yuuka-Kazami> うぅ~
<Yuuka-Kazami> やめてください、お姉ちゃん! ;_;
* Yuuka-Kazami fidgets
<+atlantiza> いやだ!
<Yuuka-Kazami> ひどいよ!
#356 from #Wintereise, submitted on 08 Sep 2010 by Southrop
* &Sunny [Rie Kugimiya] [Honto no Kimochi] [Single] [128kbps]
<&Sunny> I love this song.
<&Wintereise> >Does it really feel good?
* &Wintereise facedesks
<&Wintereise> Not to mention romanization fail
<&Wintereise> =_=
<&Southrop> &Wintereise> >Does it really feel good?
<&Southrop> >Honto no Kimochi
<&Southrop> wat
<&Southrop> no != ni
-Wintereise- Let me troll him, dammit
-> -Wintereise- D:
-Wintereise- Indian people are fun to troll :D
<&Sunny> wat.
-> -Wintereise- (☞゚∀゚)☞ O U
-Wintereise- (☞゚Д゚)☜ O ME
#357 from #uguu~subs, submitted on 08 Sep 2010 by Southrop
<%gesshoki> :|
<+atlantiza> haha
<Yuuka-Kazami> hi gecchan |:
<+atlantiza> too much :| in a good convo
<%gesshoki> if it's me and yuuka in a convo then you'll probably be seeing :| or |; a lot
<+atlantiza> :|
<%gesshoki> and mouf
<Yuuka-Kazami> that is correct
<Yuuka-Kazami> this is not a good example of gecchan and me conversing
<+atlantiza> :|
<Yuuka-Kazami> usually it's rapid-fire nonsense
<Southrop> |:
<Yuuka-Kazami> but i can't be bothered to right now |:
<+atlantiza> :|
* Yuuka-Kazami rapes atlantiza |:
<+atlantiza> :|
<%gesshoki> me neither :|
<+atlantiza> this is my rape face :|
<Yuuka-Kazami> hot |:
<Southrop> interesting :|
<+atlantiza> this is my rape face :|
<+atlantiza> er
<+atlantiza> :|
<Yuuka-Kazami> |:
<%gesshoki> :| is my :| face
<Southrop> it's beautiful, gesshoki |:
<Yuuka-Kazami> :| users are conformists |:
<+atlantiza> :|
<Southrop> |:
<Yuuka-Kazami> :|
<%gesshoki> :l
<+atlantiza> :|
<Southrop> :T
#358 from #bakabt, submitted on 09 Sep 2010 by Southrop
<+Kristen> Kristen is a happy loli
<+Kristen> ^^
<datadyne> More like a mean loli. =(
<datadyne> Vengeful hateful creature.
<+Kristen> No. Path is a mean non-loli, though
<datadyne> But I don't care about path. :\
<Path> Forsooth, thine unkind words do wound me, Kristen ;_;
<+Kristen> Forsooth, thine unkind departure in rage doth woundeth me, Path
<+Kristen> =.=
* Path stabs Kristen with a sharpened loli
<Path> Have at thee!
<Path> I think lazequit is more appropriate than ragequit, though ;_;
#482 from #bakabt-support, submitted on 25 Dec 2010 by Southrop
<LoN> guys, how long is the freeleech period going to last?
<Duki> A few more minutes
<LoN> how many?
<newy> It started today and ends yesterday
<LoN> damn
<LoN> thanks
<LoN> off to leech
#563 from BakaBT Sekrit Hideout, submitted on 06 Feb 2011 by Southrop
* @Enzie huggles MarchHare.
<@Enzie> Morning!
<MarchHare> >_>
<MarchHare> who are you?
<@Enzie> The guy out the window behind the 3rd bush on the right.
<MarchHare> orly?
<MarchHare> wait what
<MarchHare> i looked out my window
<MarchHare> and there really is a guy there
<MarchHare> shit thats creepy