Found 3 quotes

#20 from ahk, submitted on 30 Jul 2009 by Talisman
"If at first you don't suck seed, try and try again"
#30 from Rizon/LolisAndStuff, submitted on 14 Aug 2009 by Talisman
<aethon> [00:11:28] -->| Lens ( has joined #sankakucomplex
<aethon> [00:11:37] <Lens> Good morning.
<aethon> [00:11:48] -->| b0122 (cgiirc@4F5F9A65.C8A04613.9E4499B2.IP) has joined #sankakucomplex
<aethon> [00:11:56] =-= Mode #sankakucomplex +h Lens by Kyuu
<aethon> [00:12:06] <aethon> guten tag
<aethon> [00:12:20] =-= Mode #sankakucomplex +b *!* by Lens
<aethon> [00:12:27] <aethon> wait, that's me.
<aethon> [00:12:28] === #sankakucomplex Cannot send to channel
<aethon> lol.
<aethon> i've been had
#533 from #ahk, submitted on 20 Jan 2011 by Talisman
* taneth111 returns to playing Halo
<rippa> halo sux
<taneth111> So does your spelling, but you don't see me complaining