Found 4 quotes

#633 from #bakabt, submitted on 03 Apr 2011 by f00b4r
<sucram03> [15:27] <Migs-se> I gave up on Arakawa Under The Bridge
<sucram03> wattttt
<sucram03> I don't even...
<peeaivo> ... have sex with my dog
<sucram03> but I could
<sucram03> for a price.
<peeaivo> How about 1 Internet?
#688 from #bakabt, submitted on 21 Jun 2011 by f00b4r
<ChalamiuS> Chiyachan, 15 is legal here
<f00b4r> I'm not touching anything under 20, for it's boring
<ChalamiuS> but that's too young
<ss23> 15 isn't too young :<
<f00b4r> ss23: 15-y-o girls don't know shit about sex. It's like driving a convertible under the rain.
<ss23> f00b4r: Incredibly fun?
<ChalamiuS> "<ss23> f00b4r: Incredibly fun?" <-- Or just very very wet
#690 from #bakabt, submitted on 22 Jun 2011 by f00b4r
<Iron_wofle> Don't eat nuts shortly after pulling teeth.
<f00b4r> Iron_wofle: don't eat your nuts.
<Iron_wofle> Nuts get stuck in the hole
<Cuan> Whatever nuts you are talking about, this sounds unpleasant.
<Iron_wofle> It is.
<LeB_Blood> sounds like something i want to be on top of
#775 from #bakabt, submitted on 23 Dec 2011 by f00b4r & ChalamiuS
<frigo> First medal for Top Fighter in Erep 01:30 time http://<link to erepublik goes here>
* BakaBT sets ban on *!*@21AA3E79.5C43BAFA.A5983543.IP
* BakaBT has kicked frigo from #bakabt (Watch your language!)
<f00b4r> err
<f00b4r> how did that instakickban work?
<aeterna> (erepublik, f00b4r)
* BakaBT sets ban on *!*
* BakaBT has kicked aeterna from #bakabt (Watch your language!)
<f00b4r> rofl
<kureshii> oh BBT did something :|
<severance> lolol
<f00b4r> this day will be remembered
<severance> this is gold
<severance> xD
<Nubmer6> LOL
<f00b4r> PWN'D


<Nubmer6> What about the other guy that got banned?
<+ChalamiuS> Nubmer6: he actually linked to erepublik. He deserves to burn in hell
* BakaBT sets ban on *!*@miu.S
* You have been kicked from #bakabt by BakaBT (Watch your language!)
<Nubmer6> LOL!!!!
<aeterna> Hmph
<f00b4r> ROFL
<f00b4r> that's too good to be true
<Nubmer6> now *THAT* goes in the quote database :)