Found 3 quotes

#89 from #Calliope, submitted on 08 Nov 2009 by AltaDeSaxa
* Kotomi slaps Doris with a bakemonogatari sign
<AltaDeSaxa> why? D:
<Kotomi> Good thing she doesn't react to me
<Kotomi> Because there's so many anyway
#711 from #calliope, submitted on 10 Aug 2011 by ChalamiuS
* Ruri (~TK@91169E3F.BA171AF8.5CAB336A.IP) has joined #Calliope
* Southrop pokes Wintereise
* Cirno pokes Southrop
* Ruri pokes everyone
* Southrop slaps Cirno
* Cirno stabs Ruri
* Frostbite snuggles Cirno
* Southrop throws Frostbite out the window
<+Frostbite> ┻━┻ ︵ヽ(`Д´)ノ︵ ┻━┻
#723 from #Calliope, submitted on 27 Aug 2011 by ChalamiuS
* AltaDeSaxa_ (~AltaDeSax@dump.truck) has joined #Calliope
<@ChalamiuS> Oh sh-- it's Alta's evil clone!
* AltaDeSaxa_ is now known as AltaDeSaxa
* ChalamiuS stabs AltaDeSaxa
* AltaDeSaxa has quit ()