Found 2 quotes

#835 from #HeartoftheSwarm, submitted on 30 Oct 2012 by raylu
On 29-10-2012 (Hurricane Sandy):
<Deadhobo> Hmm... Evidently going outside during a hurricane isn't the greatest of ideas.
<raylu> Deadhobo: good to know, thanks
<Deadhobo> No problem
<Deadhobo> Just thought you guys should know
<Deadhobo> cause I stepped in a puddle
<Deadhobo> and then my feet were cold
#854 from #heartoftheswarm, submitted on 21 Jan 2013 by raylu
<ShadeDream> >_>
* Frosty-nee flips ShadeChan
* Frosty-nee flips ShadeDream too
* ShadeDream flips gravity because flipping frosty's mom would defy physics