Found 3 quotes

#252 from #Wintereise, submitted on 16 May 2010 by Southrop
<&RapidX> throp-chan <3
<&Southrop> pidX-chan <3
#288 from #Wintereise, submitted on 27 Jun 2010 by Falgern
<Falgern> Wintereise, I thought otaku faggots like you were scared of other people
<Wintereise> I'm not an otaku, faggot.
<Wintereise> I don't even do anything cept for playing eroges and watching anime
#356 from #Wintereise, submitted on 08 Sep 2010 by Southrop
* &Sunny [Rie Kugimiya] [Honto no Kimochi] [Single] [128kbps]
<&Sunny> I love this song.
<&Wintereise> >Does it really feel good?
* &Wintereise facedesks
<&Wintereise> Not to mention romanization fail
<&Wintereise> =_=
<&Southrop> &Wintereise> >Does it really feel good?
<&Southrop> >Honto no Kimochi
<&Southrop> wat
<&Southrop> no != ni
-Wintereise- Let me troll him, dammit
-> -Wintereise- D:
-Wintereise- Indian people are fun to troll :D
<&Sunny> wat.
-> -Wintereise- (☞゚∀゚)☞ O U
-Wintereise- (☞゚Д゚)☜ O ME