Found 1 quote

#1232 from #bbtgechicha, submitted on 01 Nov 2014 by laus
<kurandoinu> So someone stole one of my plants
<saras> That's nice.
<kurandoinu> ._.
* SIGSEGV has quit (Quit: Gracefully disconnected (SIGSEGV))
* kurandoinu has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
* WaveZero has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
<saras> God I feel knackered.
<Jaru> what's up?
<saras> Don't know
<saras> But my back hurts.
<Jaru> well, I pulled a muscle so mine hurts too
<saras> Well. Guess we're all happy here together.
<saras> Two lads with aching backs and a lady with no pants.
<Jaru> yarp
<Jaru> plants*