#339 (Score: -3) from BakaBT, submitted on 30 Aug 2010 by Arc-sama
<ghost25> ss23, I didn't have an option before, I manually sorted my shit and tagged my own shit

<kureshii> you tag your shit? ewww

<ss23> lol kureshii
<ss23> "Specimen 201"

<kureshii> do you sort them neatly in little drawers as well?

* Arc-sama coughs

<ghost25> kureshii, your damn right I do :P

<kureshii> ghost25: do you also have CRCs printed on each drawer? :D
<kureshii> and test them every few months for corruption

<ghost25> indeed, I checksum my furniture too :D

<kureshii> awesome

<ghost25> I also fourier transform them to observe the periodicity, some of my furniture is very periodic :3