#97 (Score: 0) from #sc2gg, GameSurge, submitted on 19 Nov 2009 by raylu
<afk> highlighting is useless
<afk> esp with this nick :D
<raylu> you can still highlight lines that start with "afk" and have 4th character that is non-alphabetic
<afk> raylu: counterexample "afk, laundry"
<raylu> fine. just lines that start with "afk: ", then
<tarpma> people sometimes address others using a comma though
<tarpma> "afk, laundry" is ambiguous
<tarpma> compare "afk, hi"
-!- PWR|Death_home [~Death@t-miog.demon.nl] has joined #sc2gg
<tarpma> "afk, you fucking skilless newbie"
<tarpma> speaking of fucking skilless newbies
<tarpma> hi PWR|Death_home
<tarpma> :D
<tarpma> <3
<afk> heha
<PWR|Death_home> tarpma, STFU