Found 4 quotes

#49 from #bakabt, submitted on 02 Oct 2009 by Chiyachan
<@Chiyachan> You always prefer the easy route Lupin3?
<Lupin3> if possible yes
<@Chiyachan> That makes you a pedophile rapist.
<@Chiyachan> Cos little girls are easier to tie up and rape than grown women.
#50 from Sekret BakaBT Hangout, submitted on 02 Oct 2009 by Chiyachan
<@Chiyachan> PFCorner thinks Jaru took the money and ran cos he got upset about being forced to be called, "Jaruchan". >_>
<@MTR> I think it was you actually Chiyachan. You hacked your way into the paypal account, extorted the funds, and bought Chobits drama CDs
<@Chiyachan> Shit.
<@Chiyachan> Who told you?
<@Chiyachan> Shut up.
<@Chiyachan> >_>
<@MTR> and then came back thinking nobody would know
<@Chiyachan> SHUT UP.
<@Chiyachan> >>_>
<@MTR> Elementary my dear Chiya
<@MTR> elementary
<@Chiyachan> And I would have gotten away with it if it wasn't for dem pesky MTRs.
<@MTR> and my mangey mutt.
<@Chiyachan> What did Duki have to do with it?
<@MTR> He...actually did nothing, now that you mention it. I'm not sure why I credited him with helping...
#51 from #hol, submitted on 03 Oct 2009 by Chiyachan
<Chiyachan> [20:28] <Wisconsin> joey had 12 inches
<Chiyachan> What happened?
<Chiyachan> Industrial accident/
<JoelA> lmao. no.
<Chiyachan> What then?
#54 from Sekret BakaBT Hangout, submitted on 08 Oct 2009 by Chiyachan
* @kureshii demagnetises Southrop
<@Southrop> D:
* Southrop is now known as Nospecificrdirectionrop