Found 7 quotes

#97 from #sc2gg, GameSurge, submitted on 19 Nov 2009 by raylu
<afk> highlighting is useless
<afk> esp with this nick :D
<raylu> you can still highlight lines that start with "afk" and have 4th character that is non-alphabetic
<afk> raylu: counterexample "afk, laundry"
<raylu> fine. just lines that start with "afk: ", then
<tarpma> people sometimes address others using a comma though
<tarpma> "afk, laundry" is ambiguous
<tarpma> compare "afk, hi"
-!- PWR|Death_home [] has joined #sc2gg
<tarpma> "afk, you fucking skilless newbie"
<tarpma> speaking of fucking skilless newbies
<tarpma> hi PWR|Death_home
<tarpma> :D
<tarpma> <3
<afk> heha
<PWR|Death_home> tarpma, STFU
#98 from #sc2gg, GameSurge, submitted on 23 Nov 2009 by raylu
<tarpma> such a pain.
<tarpma> it's funny because I thought I was being hired for embedded firmware development
<tarpma> it turned out to be a trap
<Untitled> they tried to send you to america as slave?
<tarpma> Untitled: ...not exactly.
#161 from #sc2gg, gamesurge, submitted on 10 Feb 2010 by raylu
<protoss_111> wanna watch a nerd massacre?
<protoss_111> throw a beta key in front of a nerdy crowd
<Ceridan> lol ill be one of those nerds
<protoss_111> ill bring a gun and a black guy
<Ceridan> he'll turn on u
<protoss_111> thats what the gun is for
<Ceridan> oooh
#210 from #sc2gg, gamesurge, submitted on 29 Mar 2010 by raylu
<weems> cultures like to fulfill their own science fiction stories
<weems> the difference between the USA and japan is that in the USA, the science fiction stories involve landing on the moon and exploring the universe
<weems> in japan
<weems> they involve their robotic girlfriends achieving sentience
#770 from #sc2gg (gamesurge), submitted on 16 Dec 2011 by raylu
<Ghastly> Things you don't want to hear from someone you listed as a reference on a resume:
<Ghastly> "Oh yeah, he's the best healer in my clan"
#788 from #sc2gg, gamesurge, submitted on 12 Mar 2012 by raylu
<snap> Also using my phone speech to text is really awesome
<snap> Actually I a c in general on the phone is pretty awesome
<snap> I r t
<tarpman> owned
<snap> Irc chat
<tarpman> better
<snap> Holiday with jack it worked
#801 from #sc2gg, gamesurge, submitted on 29 Jun 2012 by raylu
-!- mib_q5rzbs is now known as jason
<Snap> though, jason and blue speak as one.
-!- mib_kwvyqa is now known as blueRaja
<jason> we
<blueRaja> are
<jason> legion
<blueRaja> we
<jason> do
<blueRaja> not
<jason> forgive
<blueRaja> we
<jason> do
<blueRaja> not
<jason> forget