Found 59 quotes

#421 from Unknown, submitted on 17 Nov 2010 by ChalamiuS
»» &Southrop wears Pantie
»» ~Cirno` pets Pantie
<@Stief> ...
<@Stief> thats kinda gay
<@Stief> you touching Southrop like that
#439 from #bakabt-support, submitted on 10 Dec 2010 by ChalamiuS
< Xemnarth> Question: why cann't a user delete his/her own comment on torrents?
<@xiong_chiamiov> just to frustrate you
#463 from Unknown, submitted on 17 Dec 2010 by ChalamiuS
<~Cirno`> lolstiefpeople
<@Stief> all people are stief
<@Stief> mind == blown
<@gamma> yes
<@gamma> even stief is stief
<~Cirno`> Except BiriBiri
<~Cirno`> she is definitely not stief
»» ~Cirno` would fap to Stief
<~Cirno`> uh
<~Cirno`> not
<~Cirno`> ok
#476 from #ahk, submitted on 22 Dec 2010 by ChalamiuS
<Uberi> yeah, was a PITA to add for mine :)
<NameLess-js> pita?
<purloinedkey> Dunno, I dislike abbreviations
<purloinedkey> TLAs PMO
<+ChalamiuS> purloinedkey: against txttlk are we? :3
»» ChalamiuS for one, is
<Uberi> pita isn't an abbreviation, though
<+ChalamiuS> Indeed, it's a bread :3
<purloinedkey> see
<Uberi> a delicious one at that :)
<+ChalamiuS> Mhm
#481 from Hecate dev chan, submitted on 24 Dec 2010 by ChalamiuS
<&AltaDeSaxa> perhaps it's allright to keep it all in one directory
<&AltaDeSaxa> maybe a with all imports in there?
<&AltaDeSaxa> or doesn't it work that way?
<&ChalamiuS> I have no idea
<&ChalamiuS> I'm learning python as we go :P
<&AltaDeSaxa> as am I
#584 from Unknown, submitted on 17 Feb 2011 by ChalamiuS
<AltaDeSaxa> for some reason chrome was configured to zoom in on your domain
<AltaDeSaxa> so at first I was like o_O
<AltaDeSaxa> but then I ctrl-0'd

Note: Ctrl-0 restores the zoom to the default
#590 from #bakabt, submitted on 20 Feb 2011 by ChalamiuS
<Path> I used to name my OS partition after exes
<Path> It gave me an odd yet strangely satisfying feeling whenever I formated it
#627 from #bakabt, submitted on 20 Mar 2011 by ChalamiuS
<Nubmer6> Grospoliner: My GF is demanding I go out and buy some :/
<Nubmer6> She's paranoid
<XCE> punch your gf in the face
<Nubmer6> But...
<Nubmer6> But..
<Nubmer6> If I punch her in the face...
<Nubmer6> No sex :(
<Jarudin> Nubmer6, then you're not punching hard enough? :D
<XCE> what a glorific example from our leader
#638 from Query, submitted on 06 Apr 2011 by ChalamiuS
<AltaDeSaxa> looks like MAL's caching problems are solved
<ChalamiuS> Well, enough duct tape solves everything!
<AltaDeSaxa> quite so
<ChalamiuS> Failed MySQL server has gone away
<ChalamiuS> Cool story MAL
<AltaDeSaxa> I particularly like that error message
<AltaDeSaxa> for I always imagine a server growing legs and actually walking away
#672 from Unknown, submitted on 14 May 2011 by ChalamiuS
<rippa> IT'S ALIVE
<rippa> my frankenstein bot
<rippa> one half of it is the brain
<rippa> and other is tentacles