Found 59 quotes

#298 from #bakabt, submitted on 17 Jul 2010 by ChalamiuS
<+Kotomi> thing is, pt is a bit far away from .se :3
<Arkangel> Thing is, my dong is pretty long :3
<Tearlach> oooh, time to get the saw and get me a new dildo then
<Arkangel> Stop imagining my penis you pervs
<Tearlach> pics or I won't stop
<+Kotomi> Arkangel, you've managed to get Tearlach's attention
<+Kotomi> Poor you :T
<Tearlach> man, I bet that fucker is good looking enough to mount on the wall
<Tearlach> wonder how much a conservator costs
#333 from #uguu~subs, submitted on 23 Aug 2010 by ChalamiuS
<&delamoo> IX: I am curious.
<&delamoo> Is it really that bad?
<+atlantiza> <delamoo> IX: I am curious. <-- what he really means is "take your pants off"
<IX> Well, in that case I'm curious, too.
<+ChalamiuS> ... you know... that actually made sense with his follow up, atlantiza
<IX> haha Chala
<IX> It does. :|
#350 from #bakabt, submitted on 04 Sep 2010 by ChalamiuS
<LeB_Blood> I'm saying that i just want to get laid. If an earthquake has to occur to make that happen, then by all means
#377 from #bakabt, submitted on 23 Sep 2010 by ChalamiuS
<raylu> Ubuntu is an African word meaning 'I can't configure Debian'
#398 from #bakabt-support, submitted on 13 Oct 2010 by ChalamiuS
<+Enzie> Ah quiet... everyone is asleep...
* Enzie dances around like a ballerina.
* Enzie plows into a wall...
<+Enzie> Owie... ;_;
* Enzie rubs nose then continues dancing.
* xiong_chiamiov frowns disapprovingly
* Enzie stops mid-dance and stares at xiong.
* Enzie runs away with his hands hiding his shame.
#399 from Steam, submitted on 15 Oct 2010 by ChalamiuS
ChalamiuS: Someone should explain to me what the fuck you need complex numbers for
LazyBunta: to make more difficult math
LazyBunta: obviously real numbers were insufficient for the task
#406 from chaos' staff channel, submitted on 26 Oct 2010 by ChalamiuS
<+kureshii> the most powerful force in the universe isn't the strong force
<+kureshii> the most ubiquitous, most powerful and most unstoppable force is the stupid force
<+kureshii> it fills every nook and cranny that isn't alreayd filled by energy or matter (energy packets)
<+kureshii> which pretty much means the human body is made up of 99.999999999999999% stupid
<+kureshii> how we managed to accomplish what little we did as a race, is beyond me
<+kureshii> but it sure explains how we ended up in such a fucked up state
<+kureshii> this means we need a bible rewrite though
<+kureshii> in the beginning, there wasn't nothing
<+kureshii> there was only stupid
#418 from #bakabt, submitted on 13 Nov 2010 by ChalamiuS
<LeB_Blood> Chalamius is showing his true colors
<LeB_Blood> and they appear to be green on my side
<chibineko> LeB is grey
<LeB_Blood> i am???
<+ChalamiuS> You spelled gay wrong
<chibineko> >_>
#419 from chaos' staff channel, submitted on 13 Nov 2010 by ChalamiuS
<+Nazo|Out> welcome to adulthood Southrop~
<+Path> Oh, Southrop is legal?
<+Path> ...
<+Path> That came out wrong
<~Southrop> :x
#420 from chaos' staff channel, submitted on 15 Nov 2010 by ChalamiuS
<@kureshii> i just sat down with my imouto and watched some oreimo while sucking on oranges
<@kureshii> and it only just occurred to me that the situation might've been a little weird...